
What is the key to managing telematics usefully?

The ACFO is the UK’s premier representative organisation for fleet decision-makers in charge of cars and light commercial vehicles. The organisation exists to help fleet decision-makers improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their business travel…

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Does your telematics system give you data overload?

Dan Gilkes writes… “Telematic systems, from the most basic vehicle tracking to an all-encompassing fleet management solution such as TomTom’s Worksmart, can save time and money. Simply knowing where vehicles are is a vital component…

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A Head-Up Display for Your Car That Lets You Race Yourself

In the hodos office, we think this looks fun ! Can the same principles make drivers safer too? “Anyone who’s played racing videogames like Gran Turismo or even Mario Kart knows the ghost car—the hologram…

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Gamification 101 (Infographic)

We love a good infographic at hodos….

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The Gamification of Business (Infographic)

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Congrats to Pleasecycle

Hodos is pleased to hear that Pleasecycle have won the ITS inyourpocket app award. Pleasecycle won in the category of Sustainable urban mobility for encouraging and motivating people to travel by bike and other sustainable travelling…

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Gaming can make a better world

We love this TEDtalk from Jane McGonigal “Reality is broken and we need to make it work more like a game.”

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The Speed Camera Lottery

Gamification to encourage safe driving –  in action! We love this idea of a Speed Camera Lottery…

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Gamification Goes Mainstream (Infographic)

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Students line-up for eco-driving challenge

Teams, made up of engineering students from universities across England, Scotland and Wales are competing in the “Formula Student Diesel Eco Driving Challenge”. As reported on, Skills Minister, Matthew Hancock, started the inaugural challenge…

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All the World’s a Game, and Business Is a Player

Many businesses are using gamification to get people hooked on their products and services — and it is working, thanks to smartphones and the Internet.

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Zynga games ‘lost’ a total of 19.1 million daily active players in 2012

Berlin, Germany-based Face­book appli­ca­tion met­rics provider App­Stats has done some analy­sis of the top social games in 2012, and noticed that Zynga is both the biggest loser and the biggest win­ner of the year.

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Drive Engagement and Retention Using Social Platforms

If you’re a manager of a large business, you know the challenges involved in retaining talented people, guiding their progress toward important objectives, and having them feel a deep sense of engagement with the organization.…

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A slower speed of light – a better rate of understanding?

This post on Explore looks at a fascinating new game from MIT Game Lab. The game imagines a reality where the speed of light is slower. Much slower. This means your movements approach the speed…

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ITS and the application of game mechanics

Our head of product development James Burgess writes about the benefits game mechanics can bring to intelligent Transport systems. Turn to page 49 to read the whole article.

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The intelligent transport systems world congress

We have just returned from a week at the ITS world congress in Vienna. This is the intelligent transport industry chance to show off its technology. And it was the first time that I, as…

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SessionM Gamification Tools Increase Engagement By 250 Percent

With gamification being a great way to retain and engage users, a new study by SessionM shows that their tools helped increase retention by 35 percent and increased engagement by 250 percent.

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Get Your Game On: Can Gamification Work For You?

We’re hearing the word gamification more when it comes to website optimization. Just watch this video of Forrester Research analyst Brian Walker for some key reasons why gamification could become an emerging trend…

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Can gamification change the way we drive cars?

One of the most difficult things that any developer can do is to try to change user behavior. So difficult is the task, in fact, that’s it’s commonly understood that you simply don’t attempt it.…

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Gaming in the Classroom

Video games in the classroom may seem counterintuitive, but consider games in which students zap cancer cells and engage with strategy and simulations to learn about science and history, for example, and it doesn’t seem…

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Are achievements killing your game?

t’s ironic when you think about it. Just as the entire world starts to tune in to the power of games as a force for user engagement, education and general entertainment, us games designers start…

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Ford’s video game-like VIRTTEX studies how drivers react in worst-case scenarios

In an effort to prevent car crashes in the real world, Ford has designed an incredibly lifelike way to test drivers’ skills and simulate dangerous situations that could end in death on the roads…

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Blogs we like…

We like Roman’s blog, some really interesting ideas around gamification and motivational design.

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Misconceptions: ‘gamification is trivial’

The linked article makes a thoughtful comment on gamification – if it’s just adding ‘badge measles’ to a task, won’t people get tired quickly? A good point, and a key reason to make sure your…

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