Get Your Game On: Can Gamification Work For You?

We’re hearing the word gamification more when it comes to website optimization. Just watch this video of Forrester Research analyst Brian Walker for some key reasons why gamification could become an emerging trend…

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Can gamification change the way we drive cars?

One of the most difficult things that any developer can do is to try to change user behavior. So difficult is the task, in fact, that’s it’s commonly understood that you simply don’t attempt it.…

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Gaming in the Classroom

Video games in the classroom may seem counterintuitive, but consider games in which students zap cancer cells and engage with strategy and simulations to learn about science and history, for example, and it doesn’t seem…

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Are achievements killing your game?

t’s ironic when you think about it. Just as the entire world starts to tune in to the power of games as a force for user engagement, education and general entertainment, us games designers start…

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Ford’s video game-like VIRTTEX studies how drivers react in worst-case scenarios

In an effort to prevent car crashes in the real world, Ford has designed an incredibly lifelike way to test drivers’ skills and simulate dangerous situations that could end in death on the roads…

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Blogs we like…

We like Roman’s blog, some really interesting ideas around gamification and motivational design.

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Misconceptions: ‘gamification is trivial’

The linked article makes a thoughtful comment on gamification – if it’s just adding ‘badge measles’ to a task, won’t people get tired quickly? A good point, and a key reason to make sure your…

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Take the red pill: have you been gamified?

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Understanding the difference between gamification, simulation and serious games

We are often asked, what are the differences between gamification, simulation and serious games? Well ask no more this nice blog post by Linda King, from G2G3 gives a good answer.

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Gamification Increasingly Transforms Life into Play

Anyone who has exerted themselves beyond what they thought possible on the sports field or stayed up all night playing an addictive video game knows how powerfully games can motivate behavior. Competition, rewards and the…

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Tom Chatfield: 7 ways games reward the brain

We’re bringing gameplay into more aspects of our lives, spending countless hours – and real money – exploring virtual worlds for imaginary treasures. Why? As Tom Chatfield shows, games are perfectly tuned to dole out…

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Gaming gets serious

Have you ever wondered if gamification can deliver? This excellent summary from Deloitte explains the benefits and potential returns that applying game mechanics can bring. We believe that transport can benefit greatly from applying game mechanics…

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Tokyo Game Show highlights smartphones, social games with eye on globalization, new growth

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How Social Games Are Changing the World

This post was orig­i­nal­ly writ­ten for Half the Sky Move­ment: The Game, a Face­book game that cre­ates real change for women and girls. When you think of social gam­ing, the first image that prob­a­bly comes…

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